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Mail: - Whatsapp: +39 329.9622283
Regular price
€1.400,00 EUR
Regular price
Sale price
€1.400,00 EUR
Unit price
The work is made by mixing epoxy resin, wax shavings and acrylic colors.
The wooden base is treated with specific products to adapt to the use of acrylic colors and resin. Observing the work from different angles it is possible to notice a change in its chromatic effect due to the use of resin.
The work transmits to the spectator a strong emotional transport, a deep intensity that leads him to remote and fascinating places.
Unique, non-replicable piece, with certificate of authenticity.
The work is supplied with steel plates to be hung on any type of wall.
Dimensions: 80 (h) x 108 x 3 cm